Sunday, February 19, 2017

#52Stories Project Weeks 1 and 2 Goals and Who taught Me

Today I was on which I tend to visit on Sundays because I don't like to do social media on the Sabbath day. It gives me a chance to catch up on what's new on there anyway. Today I saw that FamilySearch has a new project for the new year called #52Stories. Basically it's a way to record your personal history. They've broken it down into 52 weeks of questions-- one for each week of the year. Since this blog is my family journal and I suck at conventional journaling, I thought it would be fun to answer the questions on here. I will be answering for two weeks today since I was a week behind on seeing this article. :)

Week 1: What goals do you hope to achieve this year?
I've always been a goal setter-- even when I was a kid. There's just something about deciding to do something and then mapping out a plan on how to get there that is just so fun! However, like most people a lot of my goals never get met because, you know, life. ;) Especially life that revolves around five kids and a husband and meeting their needs. Often I'm on the back burner.

With that being said, I still like to make goals and I will try my hardest to achieve them. President Hinckley once said, "You've only failed when you've quit trying. " Well, I'm no failure! I'm going to keep on trying! :)

Physical: My one and only physical goal is to keep on healing. I really, really want to be able to get out there walking for exercise and recreation again. Walking has always been something I have loved! I don't know when that's going to happen but I'm hopeful it will be this year. I might be making a trip to a podiatrist in the near future to see what can be done about my overly stiff toes that get stuck bent in the wrong direction. I think if I can do something about that then hopefully I'll be closer to my goal. Also, Heavenly Father has reminded me again and again that I need to have patience too... That's a hard one for me!

Mental: I'm hoping to challenge myself in my chosen profession of a homemaker to try new recipes this year. I have tons of cookbooks with folded down pages and torn out recipes that I've had good intentions to try but haven't gotten around to ever. This is going to be my year! I'm finally going to try them so I know once and for all if they're actually good. I've already tried two and while neither was a true winner, I'm confident I'll find some that are. :)

Spiritual: This year I want to get more names to the temple. I worked so hard to find Nathan's ancestors and we've got a good start on getting their temple work done but we have a long way to go. I plan to get some women from the ward to go with me to help me work on the female names. I just have to get brave enough to actually do it. That's the hard part for me. :(

Week 2: What is something you taught yourself to do without help from anyone else?
Umm, I'm thinking. ;) It seems like I've learned everything from someone else! My mom and dad were and are very important teachers in my life. I still learn so much from them and I also learn so much from Nathan. He's so wise! I guess if there's anything that I've learned on my own it's probably my ability to run a smooth and orderly home. I grew up in a cluttered, busy house and I was a very messy child. ;) As an adult I've realized that I like things neat and orderly. Figuring out systems and ways to get my kids to be organized is my thing. I'm grateful for that talent. It keeps things peaceful in a house full of people and makes for less stress in the day to day activities. :)

This concludes the first two weeks of #52Stories. #SeeYouNextWeek! 

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