Sunday, February 26, 2017

#52Stories: Week 9 Hobbies

This week's question is:

Do you like to dabble in lots of different hobbies? If so, what are they?

By the way, I read this question to Aftyn and she thought the word "dabble" was hysterically funny. :) It is a weird word actually and not one I use in regular conversation. I'm not sure anyone does. ;)

I think everyone has hobbies. If not we'd be pretty boring people. I have lots of hobbies that I like to "dabble" in. I'd have more if I had more time and less kids. ;)

Here's my hobbies:

1. Organizing- I love to organize and since I have seven people in my household, five of whom are children there's always an area in the house or our lives that needs some tweaking. Most recently, I organized the kitchen cupboard under the sink and I'm thinking my next project will be my sock drawer. It may not seem glamorous to most but I find the entire process invigorating and a great stress-reliever. 

2. Crafting- Another stress-reliever for me is doing crafts. I love thinking up an idea and then making it come to life. A friend once pointed out to me that the reason so many women like crafts is because unlike housework once you get a craft project done it stays done. There's no redoing it over and over like cleaning a house. #truth ;)

3. Instruments- I can play the piano sort-of-ish. It's not very pleasant to listen to. I start and restart trying to get the notes right unless I'm playing one of the five songs I play well. I do enjoy it though and I can play well enough to do hymns for Family Home Evening. I also play the flute and really enjoy it. And I'm much better at it than the piano. ;) I love that I can convey my love for my Savior through my music.

4. Baking- I enjoy baking and like that most everything I make turns out well. I feel like I'm a better mom if I always have cookies in the cookie jar for my kids. It's silly I know but I love to make cookies for them. Currently we have M&M cookies, Nathan's favorite. :)

5. Blogging- Ha! I almost forgot about blogging! Blogging about my family and my organization projects is a huge part of who I am. I am lousy at conventional journal writing. I have about five journals that I started as a kid and each has just a few pages written in it. Too bad blogging wasn't a thing back then. Funny, when blogs were trendy back when Gavin was a baby, all of my friends and I in my playgroup I ran, had blogs. They had music on them, were decorated all cute, and we all read each other's blogs. Well out of the eleven of us who were in that group there is a grand total of one who still blogs-- me. I'm a die hard, I guess. I have no idea if they still read my blogs (most likely not) but if they do I hope they know I still love them! 

6. Walking- This is one I am just now getting back into since my foot surgery. I love going on daily walks. It has always been my favorite form of exercise. I'm not progressing as much as I'd like but a few days a week now I can make it out on a short walk, down to the park by the school and then back up to our house. Not nearly what I used to be able to do but I'm proud of what I can do so far with my "new foot".

As I said before I probably had a lot more hobbies back when I had more time but for now what I do is great and keeps me balanced. Hobbies are a great thing to "dabble" in. ;)

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