Sunday, February 19, 2017

#52Stories: Week 3 Goals I'm working On

This week's story for the #52Stories project seems an awful like week one but oh well. I will do my best to try and answer it anyway. 😜

What goals are you actively working on right now?
Aside from my new year's resolutions that I mentioned last week I am always working on improving myself in small ways. I try to be more patient, kind, and loving with my kids. I have great kids who are well-behaved but just as I'm not a perfect mother, they are not perfect children either. Like all siblings they fight from time to time, disobey, etc. It's a daily request I make of my Heavenly Father that I can be a little kinder, a little more loving, and a lot more patient as we all go about on our imperfect ways. Some days are easier than others but it's always a goal I am working on. I am thankful for the Holy Ghost who whispers in my ear and reminds me to keep on trying. :)

I also always have the goal of trying to come up with ways to have more peace in our home. I want my kids to always have home be their soft place to fall. A refuge from the storm. We've done a lot of things in our family to encourage peace.Some have worked better than others but we still try! For one thing we pray everyday that there will be a happy spirit in our home. Right now the kids are working on developing more Christ-like love for one another by having a "Secret Sibling" that they are doing secret acts of service for. They've all already figured out who has who but I don't care. I'm hoping that it will make a difference in how they treat each other. We'll see. ;) My mom said I've always been a peace maker and it's true. I really can't live in a contentious environment for too long before it causes me anxiety.

Another goal I am actively working on is getting stronger. I had a check-up with my Primary Care Physician last month, Dr. Sullivan, and she advised me to keep on doing physical therapy at home even though I'm done having actual therapy appointments. I had figured that just practicing walking was enough therapy but she pointed out the benefits of stretching and getting my ankle to move in different directions. So I've set a goal to do my exercises and ride the exercise bike twice a week. So far I've been doing it so yay for me! I feel like it's making a difference too. I'm still champing at the bit to go do real walking but I'm not there yet. Hopefully by spring. In the meantime, it feels good to be exercising and keeping my heart healthy.

So yeah, that's my boring post of goals I am working on right now. ;) Till next week!

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