Sunday, February 19, 2017

#52Stories Week #4 Why Goals are Important

Here's the next question in the #52stories project:

What would you want your friends and family to learn about making goals and achieving goals from your example?

Hmm, well? These are weird questions! I guess I would want my kids especially to know that goals are important. They help you become all you want to be. If I never set goals I would never grow as a person. I would just exist. I don't want to live my life just "existing"! I want to get the most out of this life and the only way I can do that is to make goals.

I don't always achieve my goals but I don't give up on them either. If it's truly important to me then I will find a way to get there. For example, being able to walk recreationally again to me is very important. It's my current goal to get there and I'm going to do everything I can to get there. 

Goals. They are important. I think I've established that with all these goal questions. Hopefully next week's question is a little more interesting. ;)

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